Keddy Car Rental Destinations in Denmark

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Keddy Car Rental in Denmark

I got an other car. I am not sure_ if it was me or you_ that mixed the day of picking op the car. Anyway_ I got an other bigger car. It was a nice car_ but I had to pay 200 kr more pr day 😞
Eneste problemet var at de ikke klarerer bilen ved levering. du må vente et par tre dager for at de skal se over alt. og da er du jo hjemme igjen så hvis de finner noe så er det for sent å være med på diskusjonen.
Var nødt til at skifte bil da batteriet (spritny bil ) pludseligt døde service kom indenfor 30 min og sørgede for alternativ bil .
Sarebbe bello un operatore che parli italiano
I was very disappointed in the excessive additional cost at the car provider. The advertised price on your website was way below the actual cost!


8.33 / 10


Based on 123 ratings

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