Thrifty Půjčení Auta Destinace v Nový Zéland

Všechny destinace pro pronájem vozů v Nový Zéland

Thrifty Půjčení Auta Nový Zéland

the time it takes to return my deposit to my credit card is too long
The only problem with picking up a car at a small regional airport is that the desk is not always manned_ even if you specify a pick up time. We did have a couple of issues but I must say that the local people did a great job of resolving them.
Very friendly and helpful staff at New Plymouth 😁_ loved the car upgrade.
The Staff were excellent helpful and positive at Rotorua Airport
I thought that the $77 I had previously paid was a deposit not an additional fee. Not happy about that.


9,38 / 10


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