Alle unsere Reiseziele in Australien

Alle unsere Reiseziele in Australien

Mietwagen in Australien

Great service overall. Was just a little confused about pick up location etc but got there in the end. I was after a small car but was _upgraded_ which was lovely but a.little too large for us. Staff very friendly and efficient. Upon showing us the car_ the lady reqlised the car had not been groomed and offered to clean it there and then which was amazing but we were happy to take it as it wasn_t really dirty. Overall a good experience.
No complaints. Definitely use again. 10/10
The location of car pickup is easy to find Tullamarine Freeway_ without the busy traffic close to Airport. I will definitely use this service again .
Olisi hyvä merkitä jos nouto/palautuspaikka on parkkihallissa.
A pleasant experience with friendly an helpful staff

9,34 / 10


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