Dollar Mietwagen Reiseziele in Vereinigte Staaten

Alle Mietwagen-Reiseziele

Dollar Mietwagen in USA

El costo fue mayor del esperado.
We were given an electric car and had terrible trouble finding somewhere in San Francisco to charge it using a credit card most needed apps we could not download as Australians
Internett virket ikke til lading av mobil på Dodgen. Høyre hjul lakk luft_ så vi fikk byttet bil. Den hadde veldig ubalanserte dekk_ ellers bra bil.
THe first contract the lady did went wrong and she couldn_t find it however it billed me on my credit card. She then did another contract and I got billed again. That was on the 22nd Oct and both amounts of $324 are still appearing today_ we returned the car on the 29th Oct. I did rang twice and was told both charges of $324 will drop off 24 hours after we returned the car. Also_ they didn_t have the car we booked and gave us a Malibu which we returned a few hours later as it was dreadful _ making terrible noises. We were then given a Camry which we were pleased with
iets meer inkijk in de breakdown van kosten_ wachten wij nog steeds op verder prima ervaring


8,19 / 10


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