Before booking

Check and compare:

Prices: Many car rental companies show a low price on the internet, but is everything included?
The prices from CarFlexi are the total cost with no hidden extras.

Conditions: Are taxes, Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) and other insurances included?
How much is the excess/deductible amount? Check the 'Terms & Price Details' of your selected offer for more details.

Opening hours: At most of our destination, you are able to collect and return your car at any time, day or night, every day of the year. At selected destinations we also offer the opportunity to have your car delivered/collected from your hotel.

Which car do you need: How many people are travelling with you? How much luggage will you all have?
Please consider this when selecting your car.

Do you need any extras: You are able to check our extra services/equipment list and request them all together when making your order.

Child seats: Are mandatory in most countries and can be order at the time of booking. The standard of the baby/child seats may differ from what you are used to, however you are able to bring your own.

Roof rack: Consider renting a larger car instead of a smaller car with a roof rack. It will be more comfortable to drive without a roof rack and no risk of theft. No insurance will cover the damage’s that is caused by a roof rack or from the luggage on the roof.

Before leaving home

Always check the traffic laws of the country that you are travelling in.
This information can be requested from the embassy or consulate of the country you will visit.

Be sure to check that your Driver's licence is valid.
You may also require an International Driver's licence, please check your rental terms and conditions available in your My Booking account.
Don't forget your credit card and your car rental voucher.

Make a plan for your first day of driving.
Where will you travel to?
Will you stop off along the way?

Will your mobile phone, work abroad?
You may need to call your phone company to check how to make the changes for certain countries.
Remember that you also pay if somebody is calling you abroad.
Check the country code to use for calling home.
Please note that in many countries it is forbidden to use the mobile phone whilst driving.

At the time of delivery:

Please check:
- damage’s on the car. Have it written down on your contract.
- where the spare tire and necessary tools for changing wheels are.
- DO NOT forget to take your copy of the contract!
- if you have local currency, for tolls etc. Not all petrol stations accept credit cards.
- you must find out exactly where to return the car when the rental is over.
- ask the representative for instructions for your first destination.
- check what kind of fuel the car needs. Diesel or petrol?
- ask what you have to do in case of accident/damage.

At most destinations it is necessary to make a police report even for the smallest damage.

Tips for driving

Route planning:
Check the local map at home to decide how far you want to drive and in how much time.
You can leave the detailed planning till later but make sure that you have your first day's route roughly in your mind.

Who's driving?
If you are sharing the driving, make sure that all the co-drivers are named on the rental agreement and authorized to drive. Make sure everyone has a valid driving licence and passport.  

Planned stops:
No one is designed to sit still for hours, so plan your stops along the way to your destination.
Set a time limit to stop for a meal or a stroll. Break up the journey into maximum 2-hour segments if you are traveling with children. Ideally, choose your first overnight stop as near to the airport as possible, particularly if you have arrived after a long flight or arrive during the night. Remember the idea is to enjoy your holiday and relax not get exhausted.

Traveling with children:

Do your children get car sick? If so, you will want to avoid anything visual. Is everyone happy to listen to the same nursery rhymes the whole way, or will you all go mad? If there is only one tablet or iPod, will it cause more arguments than it's worth?

In case of accident:

In the unlucky event of an accident the most important advice is:
STAY CALM and try not to panic!
If anybody is injured, help them first and if needed call the ambulance.
Call the car rental company.
Their contact number can be found on your rental agreement. Also call the police and make a report of the accident/damage.
Obtain as much information as possible about the other vehicle and driver, like name, registration number etc.
In case of mechanical breakdown contact the car rental company or the Road Assistance.
Contact numbers can be found on your rental agreement.

Thank you for choosing CarFlexi, we wish you a great trip!

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