Todos os nossos destinos em Barbados

Todos os nossos destinos em Barbados

Aluguel de carros na Barbados

THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH to the young man who helped me get my makeup bag while I was at the gate and to Christopher who brought it for me. I really appreciate it. Customer service on point!
Lovely SUV and great service!
The service was exceptional. I highly recemmend your service to my friends.
Excelente servicio. Muy fácil y cómodo. El carro era exactamente lo que se ofrecía.
The optional GPS instruction was not given. The service rep just put in directions to our next destination. But we were never able to figure out how to use it . We used Google maps and Waze on our cell phone to get around. GPS totally waste of money. Everything else was great.

9,12 / 10


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