Europcar Aluguel de carros Destinos em Bélgica

Todos os destinos de aluguel de automóveis Bélgica

Europcar Aluguel de carros na Bélgica

You only offer a reservation voucher_ other services are not taken into account_ for example insurance and tax for using the car in another country.
Szuper volt_ hogy tudtak automata váltós járművet adni_ köszönjük! Viszont a jobb oldali hátsó ajtó nyikorgása borzasztó zavaró volt. Egyebekben nagyon meg voltunk elégedve az autóval.
Een parkeerkaart in de auto zou fijn zijn om boetes te voorkomen.
All is good_ it would be better to have a clear corner to drop off the key when return the car to the BRU Airport
The minibus had no GPS (as requested). As the site is not manned after 5pm there is no indication as to the full cost of the hire until your credit card statement arrives.


8,61 / 10


Com base nas avaliações de 20

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