Alamo Aluguel de carros Destinos em Noruega

Todos os destinos de aluguel de automóveis Noruega

Alamo Aluguel de carros na Noruega

I was picking up the car in Stavanger after office opening hours. I did not get the information about how the thing goes till the day of the flight_ when I called the service. The advice on the phone was friendly and useful_ but if I have not called myself_ I would be in trouble late night at the airport. It would be really useful for the customers to get the complex info few days earlier via email.
Didn’t have car requested but young gentleman at service desk did all he could to find us an upgraded vehicle that suited our needs better. Great service.
Dostałem samochód o klasę wyższą od zamówionego.
I think_ that would be better to contact person_ who wants to rent a car earlier. I was contacted during driving my car to airport (it was 200km from my city)_ so I was little be nervous at one moment to _ drive _my children_ drive car and to call with contact person in for me foreign language :)
Everything was fine


9,41 / 10


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