Enterprise Aluguel de carros Destinos em África do Sul

Todos os destinos de aluguel de automóveis África do Sul

Enterprise Aluguel de carros na África do Sul

Could not give me an seater that was booked
I biooked the Car for R39595.19. When i picked up the car i had to pay R59777.46. This is not fair and not acceptable at all. i will never use this rental again.
Maintainence of vehicles are of a poor standand.
I was told I was over time as I ran 10mins later than drop off time and it was hard to rectify and no one called me to confirm it had been sorted
Excellent service overall


8,00 / 10


Com base nas avaliações de 30

Obtenha acesso instantâneo a todas as locadoras de veículos Enterprise África do Sul e encontre as taxas mais baixas possíveis para o seu Aluguel de carros

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