Toutes nos destinations pour Argentine

Toutes nos destinations pour Argentine

Location de Voiture Argentine

Eficiente y responsable
Good provider but needs to improve the way for the pick up.We wait 1h30 to have the car
We booked and payed for wifi which they don’t have. They solved it with a simcard aftee some discussion. The car was too small and wably.
We changed the car on the second day_ because of problems. Good service from the company
Joaquín fué muy amable y siempre dispuesto a atender nuestras necesidades. pasamos unos dás inolvidables a bordo del Toyotita. Gracias Jujuy_

8,93 / 10


Basé sur 490 d'évaluations

Evaluation moyenne de tous les fournisseurs de location.

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