
Basé sur 41 d'évaluations

8,31 / 10

AutoUnion Location de Voiture Chypre
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Avis des clients sur les fournisseurs de location de voitures

9.11 / 10

Issues - link on email requesting feedback not active_ no confirmation sent that car returned with no o/s charges due

8.89 / 10

Auto bylo starší_ celkem dost poničené. Raději máme novější auta.

7.33 / 10

Těšili jsme se na novější vůz a Nissan Note neodpovídá našim požadavkům. Propojit auto s telefonem je nemožné.

8.67 / 10

Slight inconvenience as they had to swap cars after 2 weeks as first car needed a MOT

7.56 / 10

The Renault Clio that was hired to me had a very bad vibration when releaseing clutch and rattle from the front suspension when been driven