Toutes nos destinations pour États-Unis

Toutes nos destinations pour Etats-Unis

Location de Voiture Etats-Unis

Время начала аренды автомобиля не соответствует реальности
We had to ask for another car as the first one had almost no tire pattern.
Good but we wanted challenger and we got camaro.
They made us try to use the automatic check in machines even though there was a person at the counter. It didn_t work so we had to use the counter anyway. They only had 1 person on duty_ as the person we spoke to had disappeared.
Ingen problemer. Det er en succes. når man afleverer bilen og modtager en regning_ der modsvarer det man har bestilt og intet andet.

8,78 / 10


Basé sur 5973 d'évaluations

Evaluation moyenne de tous les fournisseurs de location.

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