Toutes nos destinations pour Oman

Toutes nos destinations pour Oman

Location de Voiture Oman

I hope next time return the car in the airport where I picked up Not in other location witches happened to me
I did not appreciate that the car was delivery with the petrol level in reserve and at 2am in the night I had to find a petrol station. Luckily_ there was one open not far away from the airport_ but something like that should not happen!
Lo staff è stato molto presente e disponibile nel venire incontro alle nostre richieste. Un suggerimento: chiarire meglio che l’ufficio della compagnia non si trova all’aeroporto ma in città.
I‘m still waiting for the final repayment. Further more the d link module didn‘t work 😡
Barring the long wait to get the counter_ everything was perfect . Perhaps_ also a testimony to their high demand !!

8,74 / 10


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