
Basato su 3898 valutazioni

8,92 / 10

Valutazione media di tutti i Fornitori di Autonoleggio.

Noleggio Auto Grecia
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Noleggio Auto Grecia Isole
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Recensioni dei clienti sui fornitori di autonoleggio

9.56 / 10

Άριστη εξυπηρέτηση

9.11 / 10

Ο χρόνος παραλαβής έλαβε βαθμολογία ΚΑΛΑ και όχι Πολύ Καλή διότι ήταν ένα άτομο εξυπηρέτησης και προφανώς θα υπήρχε καθυστέρηση. Το αυτοκίνητο ήταν σε πολύ καλή κατάσταση με μοναδικό πρόβλημα το σκέπαστρο του χώρου αποσκευών. Θα έπρεπε να είχε αφαιρεθεί _ αφού ήταν σπασπένο και δεν μπορούσε να σταθεί.

9.56 / 10

It was bit confusing to return the car in arrivals but i managed and everything was great Thank you

9.11 / 10

When I came to return my car at 13:23PM there was noone to greet me. Three employees were just talking among themselves and when I asked about return all I was asked was to hend over keys to one of them and that was it. No check of the mileage or gas tank level. No signature at all about return. Now I am worried about how will return going to be handled.

9.33 / 10

הרכב היה ישן יחסית