
На основе 23 отзывов

8,98 / 10

SIXT Аренда автомобиля Босния и Герцеговина
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Отзывы клиентов о поставщиках услуг по прокату автомобилей

8.67 / 10

We didn_t get the care ordered because the service light had come on apparently. We were given an upgrade. We had to wait quite a long time to get the car but returning it was quick.

8.67 / 10

Everything is good except deposit amount is too high and I haven_t refunded yet. I hope to give me discount next time. Thak you too much.

8.22 / 10

Navigatie in de auto zou prettig zijn

8.67 / 10

Very efficient and professional.

9.78 / 10

Office open time 8 am and closed 9 pm can not chekout after this time