SIXT Ενοικίαση αυτοκινήτου Προορισμοί σε Δανία

Όλοι οι προορισμοί ενοικίασης αυτοκινήτου σε Δανία που εξυπηρετεί η

SIXT Ενοικίαση αυτοκινήτου Δανία

Hurtigt og let
Se me olvidó una bolsa en el coche y en diez minutos me la devolvieron. Muy buen servicio.
I would prefer that there was a possibility for refund of some of the rental fee if I return the car before expiry of rental period. I returned the car 5 days before time but could not get any return. I know that is the condition that I have agreed_ but I think it would be a good idea to change the conditions. I feel that the vehicle I got was an upgrading without extra cost_ which compensate for the claim I mentioned above
They are very helpfull and good service the give it to me. All 5 stars for good service.👍🏻
לקחו ממני יותר כסף על טעות שהייתה לי בתאריך המסירה


9,59 / 10


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