Excellent Service_ with the exact vehicle that was booked. Brilliant!!
ik had aangegeven dat ik naar het buitenland zou gaan maar mijn Auto had GEEN WINTERBANDEN die verplicht zijn in Duitland dus ik moest voor een astronomisch bedrag een duurdere auto nemen om die winterbanden te krijgen. een rib uit m_n lijf. Ik dacht dat toen ik reserveerde dat voldoende aangegeven had dus was zeer verbaasd dat mijn auto in de winter notabene geen winterbanden had.
Οι τεχνολογία που υπάρχει πλέον στην αυτοκίνηση είναι πολύ αναβαθμισμένη.
Θα μπορούσε κάποιος υπάλληλος να αφιερώνει λίγο χρόνο_ ώστε να εξηγεί στον πελάτη π.χ. πως λειτουργεί το σύστημα cruise control_ το οποίο βοηθάει τον οδηγό ουσιαστικά και τον αποτρέπει από το να δεχθεί κλίσεις για υπέρβαση ορίου ταχύτητας_ καθώς ρυθμίζει την ταχύτητα_ ανάλογα με τα όρια που ισχύουν στον κάθε δρόμο.... επίσης η δυνατότητα αναγνώρισης της λωρίδας που κινείται το αυτοκίνητο και η σταθεροποίηση του σε αυτή είναι κάτι πολύ βοηθητικό..... όλα αυτά μου πήρε 2 μέρες να κατανοήσω πως λειτουργούν και ουσιαστικά να μπορώ να αξιοποιώ τις σχετικές δυνατότητες του αυτοκινήτου.
Amazing customer experience
Bylo by dobré zadat místo odevzdání vozu přesnou adresou_ nebo GPS souřadnicemi.
名称:_gat 持续时间:1 分钟 描述:用于限制请求速率。如果通过 Google 跟踪代码管理器部署 Google Analytics,则此 cookie 将命名为 _dc_gtm_UA-*** 。
Sets consent for sending user data to Google for advertising purposes. This allows advertisers to create advertisements that are not only more personalized but also more likely to drive engagement and conversions, based on user's preferences, interests, and behaviors.
Name: _csrf
Duration: Session
Description: This cookie is created after you click on the TrustPilot link. No details are available for this cookie. (Source: https://legal.trustpilot.com/legal/cookie-list)
Name: csrf-canary
Duration: Session
Description: This cookie is created after you click on the TrustPilot link. No details are available for this cookie. (Source: https://legal.trustpilot.com/legal/cookie-list)
Name: __RequestVerificationToken
Duration: Session
Description: This cookie is created after you click on the TrustPilot link. This is an anti-forgery cookie set by web applications built using ASP.NET MVC technologies. It is designed to stop unauthorised posting of content to a website, known as Cross-Site Request Forgery. It holds no information about the user and is destroyed on closing the browser. (Source: https://legal.trustpilot.com/legal/cookie-list)
Name: __RequestVerificationToken-legacy
Duration: Session
Description: This cookie is created after you click on the TrustPilot link. No details are available for this cookie. (Source: https://legal.trustpilot.com/legal/cookie-list)
Name: OptanonConsent
Duration: 1 year
Description: This cookie is created after you click on the TrustPilot link. This cookie is set by the cookie compliance solution from OneTrust. It stores information about the categories of cookies the site uses and whether visitors have given or withdrawn consent for the use of each category. This enables site owners to prevent cookies in each category from being set in the users browser, when consent is not given. The cookie has a normal lifespan of one year, so that returning visitors to the site will have their preferences remembered. It contains no information that can identify the site visitor. (Source: https://legal.trustpilot.com/legal/cookie-list)
Name: __gads
Duration: 390 days
Description: This cookie is created after you click on the TrustPilot link. No details are available for this cookie. (Source: https://legal.trustpilot.com/legal/cookie-list)
Name: TP.uuid
Duration: 10000 days
Description: This cookie is created after you click on the TrustPilot link. No details are available for this cookie. (Source: https://legal.trustpilot.com/legal/cookie-list)