Dollar 租车 在新西兰的目的地


Dollar 租车在新西兰

Very happy with the car and customer service The car handled faultlessly and smooth around the west coast of New Zealand
The overall cost was not as quoted I ended up paying approximately $60 more than I should have to the hire car company. It would have been too painful to claim it back. I should pay the amount I am quoted and this was not the case. I will not be recommending this way of booking a car to anyone else.
The car itself had several issues. Routine maintenance message appeared and the touch screen would not work which was frustrating as it meant you could not change radio from AM or pair your phone.
GPS with the Toyoto RV4 very basic. Did not indicate on screen what lane was needed for safe exit or exit number on screes. I have a 6 year old Madza 4 Genko that has far superior GPS. Otherwise_ a great car! Hold the road well and is very comfortable.
Everything went smoothly. Good quality car.


9.18 / 10



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